person filing documents
Who we are
Integrated solution for effective document management
  • QSafety is the result of the union of the largest companies specialised in Occupational Risk Prevention and Business Activity Coordination.
  • It is backed by Quirónprevención, the most important company in the country in this field.
  • As a result of this union, the challenge of implementing a common CAE system that provides Document Management solutions has emerged.

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years of experience
years of experience
validated documents
validated documents
Our services
We provide the following Integrated Document Management solutions

From the moment the service starts, Q-Safety assigns a Service Coordinator, with the necessary training and experience for Account Management. On the other hand, the Documentary Review is carried out exclusively by Q-Safety's specialised staff. At the same time, we have a staff of professionals who carry out document validation and telephone support in several languages.

This service is offered when the client wants to manage the platform with its own resources. In this case, we offer the client the rental of the Quioo platform.

Sometimes the client has a platform where it manages the documentation of its workers and suppliers, but lacks the resources to carry out the review in an agile and professional way. QSafety can carry out this review, using the client's software.

Service offered when a company has to upload documentation to its clients' platforms. At QSafety we offer this service as long as they have a Quioo platform, either their own or someone else's, where they have uploaded their documentation in order to be able to feed their clients' platforms and enable access to their Work Centres.

Health and safety consultancy staff
technical office staff
Why choose Quioo?
Quioo is a robust online agile development platform OutSystems

Integration with
Power BI


in migration


of systems

of processes

Integral Control
of Processes


Our Guarantees
The most secure platform on the market

The Quioo online platform enables the Coordination of Business Activities and Document Management of any type of process in real time. This is achieved thanks to digital transformation, which provides agility and improvements in user experience and process management.


A terminal
(computer, mobile, ...)

to the internet

No installation required

Authentication with
username and password

Our Solutions
We want to be your partner in the digital transformation process.
Differential CAE tool
We have a differential CAE tool in the market, both from the point of view of innovation and from the point of view of the operation and service offered, allowing maximum scalability of the system and orienting it towards new technologies.
Functional re-engineering
Quioo integrates the three existing platforms (Provea, Egesdoc and OHS) with the best advantages of each one and for this purpose we undertook a functional re-engineering that includes the functionalities provided by Quirónprevención's current CAE systems.
SaaS approach
We implement a solution that, under a SaaS approach, allows us to provide service to QSafety's different clients, of different sizes and segments, and to provide coverage for the exceptions and/or particularities of all sectors.
Customer Service and Support
Multilingual Customer Service Centre

We have our own Customer Service Centre to provide support and attention to all supplier queries about the service and the Quioo platform.

Access Control
QSafety through its Quioo platform facilitates Access Control

This control is carried out using different means (biometric code, proximity cards, QR codes) and for its accreditation it is also possible to implement physical elements (turnstiles, barriers). The service also offers the possibility of integration with the client's Access Control system.

Allows to check the status of documents in real time

Allows you to include a photograph of the worker

Allows workers to clock in and clock out

Allows this information to be exported when necessary