The Logbook

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Control and verify compliance with the Health and Safety Plan.

It acts as a verification mechanism that the preventive measures set out in the plan are being complied with at all times.

Recording Observations, Warnings and Non-compliances

Any risk situation, warning or non-compliance with the plan must be duly documented in the Incident Book, ensuring adequate follow-up of each incident.

Contractors, subcontractors, self-employed workers, workers' representatives, and the Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud should be aware of the entries made in the book to ensure effective coordination.

The book should be made available to all those with responsibility for health and safety on site, promoting transparency in safety management.

coordinators consulting the incident book

Any warning that seeks to ensure compliance with the Health and Safety Plan. It is important to specify whether the annotation is a reiteration of previous warnings or a new observation.

Non-compliance with security measures

In the event of serious non-compliance with health and safety measures, these must be recorded in the Incident Book and the safety coordinator must notify the contractor concerned and the workers' representatives.

Stoppage of Pits due to Serious Risks

When a non-compliance is observed that involves a serious and imminent risk for the safety of workers, the coordinator shall be empowered to order the stoppage of the work affected. This type of action must also be recorded in the book, specifying the reasons for the stoppage.

Modifications to the Health and Safety Plan

Any modification made to the Health and Safety Plan must be reflected in the Incident Book, indicating what the modification consists of and its approval by the coordinator.

Incidents or Accidents at Work

Accidents occurring on site and the investigations carried out into these events must also be documented, as well as the preventive measures implemented as a result.

health and safety co-ordinator consulting the incident logbook
front cover of the incident book

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