Self-protection Plan

Qué es un Plan de Autoprotección

El Self-protection and Emergency Plan is essential to prevent and manage risks that may affect both people and property.

It is a document that allows centres, establishments and facilities to act in emergency situations.

Self-Protection Plan Chart

What regulations govern the Self-Protection Plan?

El Royal Decree 393/2007 (Norma Básica de Autoprotección) establishes that it is compulsory for certain workplaces to have a Self-Protection Plan.

Dado que esta normativa es de carácter nacional puede ser regulada, a su vez, por las distintas Comunidades Autónomas y Ayuntamientos.

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Experience in the development and implementation of Self-Protection Plans.


High quality standards

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Planos “está Ud. Aquí” y “Planos de Evacuación”

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Asesoramiento continuo al cliente en todas las etapas

What a Self-Protection Plan Includes

Risk Identification

Detailed assessment of potential hazards

Strategies to reduce or eliminate risks

Specific protocols to ensure security

Periodic tests to ensure its effectiveness

Protective equipment

Benefits of a Self-Protection Plan

  • Comprehensive Security: Protects both employees and visitors
  • Regulatory Compliance: Avoid legal sanctions by complying with current legislation.
  • Emergency preparedness: Minimising the negative consequences of incidents

How to implement a Self-Protection Plan

  • Initial diagnosis: Identification of specific risks.
  • Design of the Plan: Creation of a single document adapted to the establishment.
  • Training and drills: Training of personnel to ensure their preparedness.
  • Periodic review: Constant updating to adapt to new circumstances.

Contracting a Self-Protection Plan

If you want to contract a Self-Protection Plan, contact us. We guarantee safety and regulatory compliance

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Nos enfocamos en las necesidades del cliente

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