Lagoh Shopping Centre

Lagoh Shopping Centre - Seville

The Lagoh shopping centre is a project inaugurated in 2019, located in the "Las Palmas Altas Norte" area of Seville, which has involved an investment of close to 250 million euros. With a surface area of 123,500 square metresdesigned to serve a population of 1.5 million people, offering them a large commercial area as well as a man-made lagoon designed for outdoor enjoyment.

lagoh cover

Also noteworthy is the positive impact of the shopping centre on its surroundings, both in terms of the jobs generated (3,000 direct and indirect jobs, plus a further 1,500 during construction), and the improved access infrastructures, designed to improve access to the surrounding residential area.

Image of the Lagoh Shopping Centre in Seville


Centro Comercial

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