Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud

Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud

Qué es el Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud en obra

The Health and Safety Coordinator in construction works (both in the project phase and in the execution phase) is the competent technician appointed by the Promoter to coordinate the application of the principles mentioned in the Article 8 of Royal Decree 1627/1997 of 24 October 1997The European Parliament and the Council, which establishes minimum health and safety provisions for construction works.

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Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud en Fase de Proyecto


Coordinador de Seguridad y Salud en Fase de Ejecución

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Designado por el Promotor o Promotora
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Integrado en la Dirección Facultativa

When is a Health and Safety Coordinator mandatory?

If more than one undertaking, or one undertaking and self-employed workers or several self-employed workers are involved in the execution of the work, the Promotional Company is obliged to appoint a health and safety coordinator during the execution of the work, before the start of the work or as soon as this becomes apparent (whether or not there is a works project).

satisfied health and safety coordinators
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Legal Compliance

We guarantee that your work complies with RD 1627/1997.
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Accident Prevention

Reducing risk through proactive management
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Project Optimisation

A safe construction site is an efficient construction site
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Peace of mind

We take care of everything from documentation to on-site supervision.

Do you need to hire a Health and Safety Coordinator?

Trust our experts to protect people and the success of your project.

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Nuestro servicio ofrece al cliente las máximas garantías
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Departamento técnico especializado para todos los servicios
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Técnicos/as cualificados/as y profesionales
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Nos enfocamos en las necesidades del cliente

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