APROVA - Q-safety Day

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Q-safety by Quirónprevención has organized, in collaboration with the Association of Developers of Valencia (APROVA)La Jornada "Obligations of the Promoter regarding Health and Safety in Construction Works". The event took place at the CEV (Business Confederation of the Valencian Community) facilities, located in Pza. Conde Carlet in Valencia, and brought together experts and professionals from the sector to address crucial issues related to occupational health and safety.

Ana I. López, Juan Giner and Antonio Olmedo

The day was opened by Mr. Juan Giner CorellValencia City Councilor for Urban Planning, who stressed the importance of health and safety in the construction field. He also stressed the need to invest resources in this area. According to the councilman, ensuring a safe environment is a fundamental motivation for people working in the sector.

Next, Ana I. Lópezgeneral manager of Q-safety by Quirónprevención, addressed the main topic of the day: the obligations of the promoter in terms of health and safety on construction sites. He pointed out that, unfortunately, accidents can occur on both large and small construction sites and that they are not necessarily related to budget or time of execution. In addition, he referred to recent fatal accidents in Madrid, where three tragedies occurred in the course of one week, including two on the same construction site.

He also recalled key regulations governing construction health and safety, such as the Law 31/95 on Occupational Risk Preventionthe RD1627/97 and the RD 5/2000 LISOS (Law on Infractions and Sanctions in the Social Order).

In addition, he addressed the importance of knowing the main agents involved in a work, such as the promoter, the builder, project management, project managers and their obligations, and then focused on the figure of the Health and Safety Coordinator, both in the project phase and in the execution phase.

The event included a round of questions and answers where common issues were addressed such as the possibility of a contractor hiring the construction coordinator, whether a construction site can have several promoters and how to manage works with several projects. Also discussed were whether the developer can become a contractor when contracting in batches, how to manage works with multiple contractors, and the importance of the clauses that should be included in works contracts.

The day concluded with a networking and coffee break, where attendees were able to exchange ideas and experiences related to health and safety in construction.

From Q-safety, we would like to thank the Councilor of Urbanism of the City of Valencia for his assistance and participation, Mr. Juan Ginerand the president of APROVA D. Antonio Olmedofor the warm welcome we have received and to José Manuel García for their attentive collaboration in the organization of this event.

We would also like to thank all the attendees from different companies in the Valencian Community for joining us in this event.

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